Key Projects
Aberdeen Proving Ground and Edgewood Arsenal, Aberdeen, MD
At the U.S. Army’s oldest active proving ground, we have been the leading provider of construction support services since 2018, providing over 5,000 labor-hours of construction support and anomaly avoidance services in 2022 alone. We performed underwater construction support operations in 2021 and 2022, and we hold subcontracts with 22 public works companies.
West Point Military Reservation, West Point, NY
As part of the larger $240M USACE Multiple Award Military Munitions Support (MAMMS III)-Baltimore District contract award, we’re currently providing construction oversight support for the construction of a wastewater treatment plan (WWTP). We’re also assisting on a removal action, providing Munitions Remediation Services (MRS).
Pinecastle Jeep Range, Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS), Orlando, FL
We conducted MEC detection and clearance actions for five separate developers/home builders and the City of Orlando in areas being prepared for development, housing lots, city properties, and multi-family housing complexes at various stages of construction habitation. We cleared over 100 home lots, 20 multi-unit housing complexes and surrounding grounds, and over 80 acres planned for development or public use, utilizing digital geophysical mapping and hand-held geophysical detector surveys. We also completed soil sampling and laboratory analysis for human health risk screening at locations where MEC contamination was discovered.
Former Camp Claiborne, LA, and Former Five Points Outlying Field, TX
We had the lead on characterizing the risks posed at each MRS, outlining a risk management approach, and performing the remedial alternatives identification, evaluation, and selection in accordance with the DERP-FUDS program administered by the USACE. As a subcontractor, we provided expertise in preparing RI/FS documents to achieve acceptance from state and federal regulators and other stakeholders, as well as serving as a key member of the presentation team at Technical Project Planning meetings and for other stakeholder presentations.
Former Conway Bombing and Gunnery Range (BGR), South Carolina
We provided project management support at a 55,000-acre range that was home to historical military training range activities. Our work included updating existing EE/CA results for MEC into the MRSPP and EPA MEC HA, leading technical aspects of TPP, preparing an RI Work Plan, SAP, and QAPP, overseeing environmental sampling and preparing an RI Report, FS Report, Proposed Plan and Decision Document. We also planned a phased approach to achieve environmental sampling data requirements for the RI.
Former Camp Bowie, Brownwood, TX
We conducted a review of historical information, personnel interviews, and reviews of aerial photography, geophysical surveys and intrusive investigations to perform an EE/CA report. The report presented the characterization of MEC contamination, assessment of the risk associated with that contamination, and recommended response action alternatives to reduce the risk. The report also provided cost estimates for the recommended response actions and a draft plan to conduct recurring reviews of the measures emplaced for risk reduction.
Confidential Site, New Jersey
We conducted an RI/FS and remedial action phases for a site contaminated with chemical and munitions constituents, as well as MEC. Environmental sampling included surface and subsurface soil samples, sediment and surface water samples, monitoring well installation, and groundwater samples. MEC disposal included controlled detonations, as well as a mobile flash unit for thermal destruction. An RI Work Plan, RI Report, Remedial Action Selection Report (NJDEP’s equivalent to FS), Remedial Action Work Plan, and Remedial Action Report are being prepared in accordance with NJDEP Technical Requirements and consistent with DDESB, DoD, and USACE MMRP requirements. EPA’s Draft MEC HA was also used successfully to baseline MEC risks in the RI Report and evaluate and select remedial alternatives for the FS phase.
Millville Industrial Park Expansion Project, Millville, NJ
We performed a Site Inspection in accordance with NJDEP requirements and consistent with CERCLA and DoD MMRP requirements on nine MEC Areas of Concern (AOCs). We also performed comprehensive geophysical surveys and intrusive investigation at each AOC to identify areas of the property that may move to no further action (NoFA) in a streamlined manner. We prepared baseline risk assessments for each AOC based on the results of the investigation, and also performed the RI effort for the remaining three acres, which involve excavation of debris piles and burial/landfill areas (approximately 25,000 cubic yards of material being mechanically sifted by a mobile sifting unit). We also performed on-site disposal/detonation of MEC.