What We Do
MMG: By the Numbers
- More than 120,000 Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician labor-hours
- Performed over 70,000 intrusive investigations for Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC)
- Completed soil-sifting operations of over 40,000 tons of material
- Recovered and disposed of over 10,000 MEC items
- Processed/certified over 150 tons of Material Documented as Safe (MDAS) and scrap metal
- A safety Experience Modification Rating (EMR) of .83 (1.0 is average)
Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) and Munitions Constituents (MC) Projects
- Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection (PA/SI)
- Comprehensive Site Evaluation (CSE)
- Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS), including coordinating new RI/FS projects with pre-existing EE/CA data and effort
- Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA)
- Proposed Plan (PP) and Decision Document/Record of Decision (DD/ROD)
- Remedial and removal action phase
- Project management and/or senior technical lead on MMRP SI and RI/FS projects
- Integrated conceptual site model (CSM) development, data quality objectives (DQOs) development, and Technical Project Planning (TPP) support
- Work Plan, Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP), Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), and other planning and reporting documents development and technical review
DoD Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP)
Our staff has supported the Department of Defense’s emerging MMRP prior to its inception in September 2001 under the Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP) for the Navy, Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps. Our specialized services include:
- Integrated MC and MEC risk assessments
- Geophysical investigation and detection of MEC (partnered with 4 different DAGCAP-accredited firms in past 3 years)
- Cradle-to-grave management of Materials Potentially Presenting an Explosive Hazard (MPPEH)
- Full characterization of the reactive waste stream
- Defensible reporting packages to support project objectives
- Multiple media investigations on munitions sites
Strategic Property Repositioning
We work closely with clients to comprehensively manage and/or transfer the liability and risks associated with MEC-contaminated properties MMG’s ability to communicate a defensible characterization approach to regulators and stakeholders has proven to accelerate property through the investigation and remedial process for earliest redevelopment availability. This includes work at Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS), Company Owned/Company Operated (CO/CO) sites, Government Owned/Company Operated (GO/CO) sites and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) sites,
Risk Assessment and Risk Transfer
We’re skilled at conducting and overseeing integrated MC and MEC risk assessments and developing characterization and risk evaluation tools on Munitions Response Sites (MRSs) across the country. This includes:
- Completion of Munitions Response Site Prioritization Protocol (MRSPP) modules for Munitions Response Sites
- Performing Ordnance and Explosive Risk Impact Analysis (OERIA) and Risk Assessment Code (RAC) worksheets
- Converting outdated risk analyses into MRSPP modules and/or EPA’s latest MEC Hazard Assessment (HA) process and worksheets
- Performing human health and ecological risk assessment screening, baselines, and tiered risk assessment approaches based on current and future land use
We also support our clients in achieving project and site-specific goals that vary, depending on the approach to risk transfer:
Owner-Managed Risk
- Designing, negotiating and implementing cost-effective remedies for MEC conditions
- Offsetting remediation cost through recovery from other parties
- Seeking insurance policy recovery from historical insurers
- Enhancing property value through greater flexibility of use
Risk Transfer Option
- Evaluating “walk away” options: transferring ownership of the site and the risk/liabilities
- Limiting costs needed to complete a risk transfer
- Creating finality and certainty for liabilities linked to site
Field Support
- Full service MEC characterization and remediation services, including detection, removal, and disposal operations
- MC sampling and analysis
- Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) escorts